Silvano Mario Attilio Raia

Silvano Mario Attilio Raia was born on September 1st, 1930, in the city of São Paulo in the State of São Paulo, to Paulo Raia and Carolina Olita Raia.

He is a class of 1956 medical graduate from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP) as well as a Doctor of Medicine in 1965, also from FMUSP, and from the University of London in 1967.

Attilio Raia rose to the prestigious rank of Associate Professor of the Digestive System Surgery subject taught at the University of São Paulo Faculty of Medicine (FMUSP) in 1978, and two years later, was appointed as an Associate Professor at FMUSP’s Department of Surgery. He additionally served as Head of FMUSP for the 1982-1986 term.

At that same institution, Dr. Attilio Raia held the title of Lecturer in numerous syllabus subjects, namely Embryology and Histology of the Digestive System (1957-1961); Descriptive and Topographical Anatomy (1960-1962); Physiology (1958-1959); Pathological Anatomy (1960-1964); and Surgical Clinic (1967-1982). 

He was also appointed as Head of the Liver Unit of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo’s (USP) Hospital das Clínicas university hospital complex, from 1975 to 2002, and was granted the status of Full Professor in its Department of Surgery.

Furthermore, Dr. Attilio Raia fulfilled the role of Scientific Director of a program tasked with training Telehealth professionals working in newly inaugurated organ transplantation centers, a project he led in conjunction with the Hospital Sírio-Libanês’ (Syrian Lebanese Hospital) Teaching and Research Unit. In addition, he served as Secretary of Health of the City of São Paulo for the 1993-1995 term.

The recognized surgeon is a true pioneer in the country, having conducted the first-ever liver transplant in Brazil in the 1980s, as well as introducing the living-donor liver transplant method.

When it comes to the several medical societies that Dr. Silvano Raia belongs to, he is a Founding Member of the Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver (LAASD), where he also served as President in 1968; Member of the College of Surgeons in 1967; American College of Surgeons in 1974; and the English Royal Society of Medicine in 1966. 

Moreover, he chaired the Brazilian Society of Hepatology (SBH) from 1982 to 1983 and is part of various medical organizations, including the São Paulo Medical Association – APM (1957); Brazilian Society of Anatomy – SBA (1961); State of São Paulo Society of Gastroenterology and Nutrition (1967); Brazilian Federation of Gastroenterology – FBG (1974); Brazilian Society of Hepatology – SBH (1974); Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) (1975); and finally, the Brazilian Society of Pathology – SBP (1974).

Throughout his prolific career, Dr. Silvano Raia has penned over dozens of book chapters both in Brazil and abroad and mentored Master’s, Ph.D., and Associate Professor candidate theses and dissertations. He has also written twenty publications in which he describes his self-devised methods, of which nine were published outside of Brazil.

During his candidacy for a Full Member seat at the Academia Nacional de Medicina (National Academy of Medicine – ANM), Dr. Silvano Mario Attilio Raia submitted an essay named “Liver Transplant (A Personal Experience.”)

Currículo Lattes

Informações do Acadêmico

Número acadêmico: 567

Cadeira: 30

Membro: Holder

Secção: Surgery

Eleição: 16/05/1991

Posse: 26/11/1991

Sob a presidência: Rinaldo Victor De Lamare

Informações do Acadêmico

Número acadêmico: 567

Cadeira: 30

Membro: Holder

Secção: Surgery

Eleição: 16/05/1991

Posse: 26/11/1991

Sob a presidência: Rinaldo Victor De Lamare

Silvano Mario Attilio Raia was born on September 1st, 1930, in the city of São Paulo in the State of São Paulo, to Paulo Raia and Carolina Olita Raia.

He is a class of 1956 medical graduate from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP) as well as a Doctor of Medicine in 1965, also from FMUSP, and from the University of London in 1967.

Attilio Raia rose to the prestigious rank of Associate Professor of the Digestive System Surgery subject taught at the University of São Paulo Faculty of Medicine (FMUSP) in 1978, and two years later, was appointed as an Associate Professor at FMUSP’s Department of Surgery. He additionally served as Head of FMUSP for the 1982-1986 term.

At that same institution, Dr. Attilio Raia held the title of Lecturer in numerous syllabus subjects, namely Embryology and Histology of the Digestive System (1957-1961); Descriptive and Topographical Anatomy (1960-1962); Physiology (1958-1959); Pathological Anatomy (1960-1964); and Surgical Clinic (1967-1982). 

He was also appointed as Head of the Liver Unit of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo’s (USP) Hospital das Clínicas university hospital complex, from 1975 to 2002, and was granted the status of Full Professor in its Department of Surgery.

Furthermore, Dr. Attilio Raia fulfilled the role of Scientific Director of a program tasked with training Telehealth professionals working in newly inaugurated organ transplantation centers, a project he led in conjunction with the Hospital Sírio-Libanês’ (Syrian Lebanese Hospital) Teaching and Research Unit. In addition, he served as Secretary of Health of the City of São Paulo for the 1993-1995 term.

The recognized surgeon is a true pioneer in the country, having conducted the first-ever liver transplant in Brazil in the 1980s, as well as introducing the living-donor liver transplant method.

When it comes to the several medical societies that Dr. Silvano Raia belongs to, he is a Founding Member of the Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver (LAASD), where he also served as President in 1968; Member of the College of Surgeons in 1967; American College of Surgeons in 1974; and the English Royal Society of Medicine in 1966. 

Moreover, he chaired the Brazilian Society of Hepatology (SBH) from 1982 to 1983 and is part of various medical organizations, including the São Paulo Medical Association – APM (1957); Brazilian Society of Anatomy – SBA (1961); State of São Paulo Society of Gastroenterology and Nutrition (1967); Brazilian Federation of Gastroenterology – FBG (1974); Brazilian Society of Hepatology – SBH (1974); Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) (1975); and finally, the Brazilian Society of Pathology – SBP (1974).

Throughout his prolific career, Dr. Silvano Raia has penned over dozens of book chapters both in Brazil and abroad and mentored Master’s, Ph.D., and Associate Professor candidate theses and dissertations. He has also written twenty publications in which he describes his self-devised methods, of which nine were published outside of Brazil.

During his candidacy for a Full Member seat at the Academia Nacional de Medicina (National Academy of Medicine – ANM), Dr. Silvano Mario Attilio Raia submitted an essay named “Liver Transplant (A Personal Experience.”)

Currículo Lattes

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