Carlos Antonio Mascia Gottschall

Carlos Antonio Mascia Gottschall was born on April 18, 1939, in the city of Santa Maria in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, to Carlos Gottschal and Cecy Assumpta Mascia Gottschall. He was the first Master’s degree student in Pneumology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and also served as the first Associate Professor of Cardiology there. 

He completed his postdoctoral studies at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, the University of London in England, and the University of California in the United States. Dr. Gottschall is a true pioneer in the area of postgraduate education at UFRGS, as well as at the Rio Grande do Sul University Foundation of Cardiology, of which he is an Emeritus Professor. He has mentored 40 students with their graduate theses and participated in 175 university and specialized examination boards. 

Dr. Gottschall led efforts to set up, and later on, he served as Head of the IC/FUC Hemodynamics Laboratory, which is the largest institution of its kind in all of Southern Brazil. He also pioneered coronary angioplasty surgeries in the State of Rio Grande do Sul and helped to graduate 59 active interventional cardiologists both in Brazil and abroad. He further holds the title of Scientific Director of IC/FUC. 

The acclaimed physician and scholar has attended a total of 683 medical congresses, 148 of them outside of Brazil, serving either as president, organizer, attendee, or speaker, in addition to having authored 1,363 publications, whether abstracts, articles, chapters, presentations or three theses, and publishing ten single-authored books on the subjects of Cardiology, History of Medicine, Science, and Philosophy. Furthermore, he has 454 participations as a lecturer and serves as an Advisor to the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES), and the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS).

The renowned physician and scholar is a true visionary in anti-smoking campaigns, with other of his credentials including the titles of Former President of the State of Rio Grande do Sul Cardiology Society; Founding ex-General Secretary of the Brazilian Thoracic Association; Founding ex-President of the Brazilian Society of Interventional Cardiology (SBHCI); and Founding Full Member of the Latin American Society of Interventionist Cardiology. 

Furthermore, Dr. Gottschall holds the distinctions of Founding Honorary President of the State of Rio Grande do Sul Association of the History of Medicine (AGHM); Former Full Advisor of the Regional Council of Medicine of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (CREMERS); and former President of the State of Rio Grande do Sul’s Academy of Medicine, in addition to being either a Full Member or Honorary Member at both Brazilian and international organizations and societies, with numerous distinctions. Finally, he stands as the first-ever Brazilian invited to join the Society for Cardiac Angiography and the International Andreas Gruntzig Society, both of them in the USA. 

Among the numerous awards and acknowledgments granted to Dr. Gottschall, some particularly worth mentioning are the Academic Excellence medal from the State of Rio Grande do Sul Medical Society; José Mariano da Rocha award; Irmão Benfeitor (Benefactor Brother) order of merit from the Santa Casa Hospital in Porto Alegre; Advanced Cardiovascular Systems-Inc order of merit; Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB)-issued Mascarenhas de Moraes medal; special honors awarded by the Brazilian Society of Clinical Medicine; and Membro-Benfeitor (Benefactor Member) of the Polyclinic General Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. 

Moreover, the physician and intellectual was honored with the title of Immortal President at the Brazilian Society of Interventional Cardiology (SBHCI), is deemed one of Brazil’s most admired physicians, and received the following distinctions: the Análise de Medicina (Medicine Analysis) award; Personality of Cardiology acknowledgment from the Brazilian Society of Cardiology; Carlos Lacaz award granted by the Brazilian Society of History of Medicine; Rubens Maciel medal given by AGHM; and the order of medical merit of the Regional Council of Medicine of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (CREMERS). Last but not least, he is the Author-Editor of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology handbook, and was bestowed the Order of Medical Merit 

During his run to secure the title of Full Member of the Academia Nacional de Medicina (National Academy of Medicine – ANM), Dr. Carlos Antonio Mascia Gottschall presented a paper named “Analysis of Short and Long-Term Results from Coronary Stent Implants.”

Currículo Lattes

Informações do Acadêmico

Número acadêmico: 632

Cadeira: 41

Membro: Holder

Secção: Medicine

Eleição: 20/07/2006

Posse: 22/08/2006

Sob a presidência: Antonio Luiz de Medina

Informações do Acadêmico

Número acadêmico: 632

Cadeira: 41

Membro: Holder

Secção: Medicine

Eleição: 20/07/2006

Posse: 22/08/2006

Sob a presidência: Antonio Luiz de Medina

Carlos Antonio Mascia Gottschall was born on April 18, 1939, in the city of Santa Maria in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, to Carlos Gottschal and Cecy Assumpta Mascia Gottschall. He was the first Master’s degree student in Pneumology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and also served as the first Associate Professor of Cardiology there. 

He completed his postdoctoral studies at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, the University of London in England, and the University of California in the United States. Dr. Gottschall is a true pioneer in the area of postgraduate education at UFRGS, as well as at the Rio Grande do Sul University Foundation of Cardiology, of which he is an Emeritus Professor. He has mentored 40 students with their graduate theses and participated in 175 university and specialized examination boards. 

Dr. Gottschall led efforts to set up, and later on, he served as Head of the IC/FUC Hemodynamics Laboratory, which is the largest institution of its kind in all of Southern Brazil. He also pioneered coronary angioplasty surgeries in the State of Rio Grande do Sul and helped to graduate 59 active interventional cardiologists both in Brazil and abroad. He further holds the title of Scientific Director of IC/FUC. 

The acclaimed physician and scholar has attended a total of 683 medical congresses, 148 of them outside of Brazil, serving either as president, organizer, attendee, or speaker, in addition to having authored 1,363 publications, whether abstracts, articles, chapters, presentations or three theses, and publishing ten single-authored books on the subjects of Cardiology, History of Medicine, Science, and Philosophy. Furthermore, he has 454 participations as a lecturer and serves as an Advisor to the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES), and the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS).

The renowned physician and scholar is a true visionary in anti-smoking campaigns, with other of his credentials including the titles of Former President of the State of Rio Grande do Sul Cardiology Society; Founding ex-General Secretary of the Brazilian Thoracic Association; Founding ex-President of the Brazilian Society of Interventional Cardiology (SBHCI); and Founding Full Member of the Latin American Society of Interventionist Cardiology. 

Furthermore, Dr. Gottschall holds the distinctions of Founding Honorary President of the State of Rio Grande do Sul Association of the History of Medicine (AGHM); Former Full Advisor of the Regional Council of Medicine of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (CREMERS); and former President of the State of Rio Grande do Sul’s Academy of Medicine, in addition to being either a Full Member or Honorary Member at both Brazilian and international organizations and societies, with numerous distinctions. Finally, he stands as the first-ever Brazilian invited to join the Society for Cardiac Angiography and the International Andreas Gruntzig Society, both of them in the USA. 

Among the numerous awards and acknowledgments granted to Dr. Gottschall, some particularly worth mentioning are the Academic Excellence medal from the State of Rio Grande do Sul Medical Society; José Mariano da Rocha award; Irmão Benfeitor (Benefactor Brother) order of merit from the Santa Casa Hospital in Porto Alegre; Advanced Cardiovascular Systems-Inc order of merit; Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB)-issued Mascarenhas de Moraes medal; special honors awarded by the Brazilian Society of Clinical Medicine; and Membro-Benfeitor (Benefactor Member) of the Polyclinic General Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. 

Moreover, the physician and intellectual was honored with the title of Immortal President at the Brazilian Society of Interventional Cardiology (SBHCI), is deemed one of Brazil’s most admired physicians, and received the following distinctions: the Análise de Medicina (Medicine Analysis) award; Personality of Cardiology acknowledgment from the Brazilian Society of Cardiology; Carlos Lacaz award granted by the Brazilian Society of History of Medicine; Rubens Maciel medal given by AGHM; and the order of medical merit of the Regional Council of Medicine of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (CREMERS). Last but not least, he is the Author-Editor of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology handbook, and was bestowed the Order of Medical Merit 

During his run to secure the title of Full Member of the Academia Nacional de Medicina (National Academy of Medicine – ANM), Dr. Carlos Antonio Mascia Gottschall presented a paper named “Analysis of Short and Long-Term Results from Coronary Stent Implants.”

Currículo Lattes

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